Breckenridge winter season

4 Winter Activities to Do in Breckenridge in the Winter Season

When winter’s first snowflakes begin blanketing the grounds in Breckenridge, Colorado, it symbolizes the start of a joyful winter season. Many tourists believe that skiing is the only winter sport that they can enjoy in Breckenridge.

However, the historic town of Breckenridge offers a lot more than skiing or snowboarding. For example, there’s ice skating (in indoor or outdoor rink), horse-drawn sleigh rides, dogsledding, and backcountry trails.

In short, there’s something to enjoy for everyone here during this season. Anyway, if you’re confused, here’s the low-down on the number of winter sports that you can enjoy in Breckenridge.

Cross-country skiing:

There are 17-mile groomed ski trails that satiate the needs of beginners as well as advanced skiers. The track has a number of resorts, restaurants, and ski equipment shops, too.

Besides winter activities, there are plenty of other activities to enjoy in Breckenridge, get more information about them here.

Horse-drawn sleigh rides:

The hallmarks of a horse-drawn sleigh in Breckenridge during the winter season include snuggly blankets, crisp wintry air, and gentle jingles of bells strapped to the horse’s hoofs. This sleigh ride can also become your diner where you can bask in the true conviviality of Colorado

Tubing or sledding:

Ok, so, now, you’ve to bundle up the kiddos along with mittens and hats and head toward the hills—these are the places where you’d find tube- and sled-friendly terrains. And, further, expect many giggles and lighthearted laughter whenever you’ll slide down the hill.


If you’ve got a sucker for high speed and snowy picturesqueness, this is the sport that you must do. Having miles and miles of snow-clad landscape at your disposal, you’ll find ample of space and equipment rental shops.

So, now, if you’re wondering how to get to this exquisite locale, just rent a Breckenridge shuttle—it’s convenient, safe, and fast; and it’d respect your budget.